
Brenna Owen

Russia’s Foray into Ukraine: Lessons from the Chechnya Conflict

Chechen War Monument cc Gilad Rom

Some view Moscow’s involvement in eastern Ukraine as proof of a resurgent Russia. But a look back at the Chechnya conflict would suggest otherwise.

Baghdad Deadlocked as ISIS Digs In

Territorial control of ISIS

Politicians in Baghdad continue to squabble as news of violence and hardship filters out of ISIS-occupied Iraq.

The Argentinian Debt Crisis in Historical Perspective

Argentinian President and Argentinian flag

We place the current Argentinean debt crisis in the historical context of decades of economic challenges.

Canada’s Harper Government Opts for Trade over Aid in Africa

Canadian Prime Minister

The Harper government's short-sighted policies on African aid might end up costing the Canadian government in the long-run.

The Winding Road to Direct Taliban Talks

Taliban Arms

Here's some background on the direct US-Taliban negotiations that are set to commence in Doha.

Turkey’s Erdogan vs. the Protests

Taksim Square

What are the political forces driving the protest movement currently sweeping through Turkey?

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