
Ruth Zou

Ruth Zou is a Politics and Economics student at Queen’s University with a focus on international political economy topics in Asia and Europe.

COVID-19 Update: USA

cc Flickr National Guard, modified, Lt. Col. Dwight Harley, of the 119th Medical Group, takes a swab sample from an asymptomatic Fargo police officer who is volunteering to take a COVID-19 test in the parking lot of the FaroDome, N.D., April 25, 2020. He is wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) to stay safe while he works and help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus while testing people as they drive through the mass testing process in their vehicles. He is just one of the many N.D. National Guard members partnering with the N.D. Department of Health and other civilian agencies in support of the whole community response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Asymptomatic first responders are among the people being tested to learn more about the Coronavirus. The healthy first responders are participating the community effort to test the mass testing process for future testing. Approximately 1,000 people were tested in the seven-hour testing event on April 25, 2020. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by CMSgt David H. Lipp), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

With around 3 million total cases and 130,000 deaths, the United States is now home to the largest COVID-19 outbreak in the world.

COVID-19: Bailouts & US Debt

The US federal debt has more than doubled since this photograph of the debt clock was taken in 2009. cc Flickr Nick Webb, modified, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

COVID-19 bailouts have pushed US federal spending to dangerous levels, and this with the pandemic still raging in a long list of US states.

COVID-19 Update: Russia

Vladimir Putin examined a hospital in the Moscow village of Kommunarka for patients with suspected coronavirus infection., cc Пресс-служба Президента России, Kremlin.ru, modified, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vladimir_Putin_in_Kommunarka_hospital1.jpg

Now home to one of the worse COVID-19 outbreaks in the world, Russia is still playing catch-up after early missteps in containing the pandemic.

COVID-19 Update: India

cc TRDStudios, modified, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/covid19-coronavirus-corona-virus-5051317/

The Indian government may overcome its COVID-19 crisis, but long-term problems of poverty and healthcare accessibility are set to persist.

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