BRICS Countries

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Undermines the Role of BRICS

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If COVID-19 relief was BRICS’ time to shine, he bloc has yet to rise to the challenge.

South African Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities

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In crisis lies opportunity, and nowhere is that more true than in South Africa’s foreign policy prospects.

Privatization: A Panacea for the South Africa Economy?

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Privatization is often cited as a cure-all for South Africa’s lumbering state-owned sector. But any progress will be slow given the entrenched interests involved.

South Africa: Toward another Recession?

cc Wikicommons, modified, G20 South Africa,,_presidente_de_Sud%C3%A1frica_(45196617295).jpg

Fresh off an election win, President Cyril Ramaphosa now must try to reverse one of the most severe economic downturns in recent memory.

The Center Holds in South Africa Elections

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South Africa’s recent general election has bucked the international trend toward populism by consolidating its democracy at the political center.

South Africa’s Energy Conundrum

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President Ramaphosa inherited a dire national energy outlook, but one that’s not without its own opportunities.

2019: Towards a New World (Dis)Order

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The BRICS model of mutually respectful state-to-state cooperation can serve as a valuable template for the post-US global order.

The Road Ahead: Examining South Africa’s New International Strategy

Ramaphosa, cc Flickr, ITU Pictures, modified,

It’s time for President Ramaphosa to break with recent past and reassert the moral and multilateral imperatives in South African foreign policy.

Bolsonaro Takes Aim at Brazil’s Pension System

Plenário do Congresso, cc Flickr Senado Federal,modified,

The pension fight will signal whether the new Brazilian president can translate electoral victory into significant reforms.

Bolsonaro in Brazil: Good News for the US, Setback for China

cc Flickr Senado Federal, modified,

Trump has gained a kindred spirit in South America.

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