China Politics

Data Puts China’s Recovery Prospects in Doubt

cc Håkan Dahlström, modified, Flickr,

The first official data has been published outlining the economic hit to China from COVID-19, and it’s considerably worse than many were expecting.

Hong Kong Protests: Echoes of Tiananmen Square

HKLeninWall, cc Flickr Studio Incendo, modified,

Hong Kong’s quest for identity recognition, transparency, good governance, and rule-of-law is starting to resemble one of the darkest moments in China’s modern history.

Ghosts of Occupy Haunt the Hong Kong Authorities

HKProtest, HF9631, modifeid,

In an echo of 2014, protesters marching en masse in Hong Kong. And this time they might actually achieve their goal.

Huawei’s ‘Teachable Moment’ on Public Diplomacy

HuaweiOffice, cc Flickr, modified, public domain

The Chinese telecom’s public diplomacy blitz in the United States has room for improvement.

Backgrounder: A Brief History of China’s United Front

MaoTuong1, cc

Xi Jinping has dusted off an old ‘magic weapon’ to wage political warfare at home and abroad. Here’s a brief history of the global influencing operation that surprisingly few have heard of.

US-China Trade Deal (March 9, 2019)

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Zac and Nick discuss whether the rumored terms of the US-China trade deal are a win for the Trump administration.

How Low Can the Renminbi Go?

RMBill, cc Flickr, modified,

What’s behind the recent devaluation of the renminbi, and what’s its floor?

Twin Traps Imperil China’s Trajectory in the Decade Ahead

XIJPT, cc FLickr APEC 2013, modified,

Avoiding the Thucydides Trap and the middle-income trap will require compromise, domestic stability, and constructive relations with the US.

Trump Expands His Trade War to China

cc Flickr Håkan Dahlström, modified,

The opening volleys have been fired in the long awaited US-China trade war.

Emperor Xi Ascends to the Throne in China

XI2013, cc Flickr Apec 2013,, modified

For better or worse, the elimination of presidential term limits will be looked back on as a turning point in modern Chinese history.

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