Doklam Plateau

Backgrounder: India-China Skirmishes in Galwan Valley

cc Flickr tiendat dinh, modified,

Recent fighting in the Galwan Valley marks the first time lives have been lost along the disputed China-India border since 1975.

SCO Expands Size, But Not Cooperation

XiPutin, cc,

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization recently took in India and Pakistan, but divergent interests within the group’s membership will keep it from becoming a major player on the world stage.

Doklam Plateau: China Tries Out the Water Weapon

Bridge_over_brahmaputra_river, cc Flickr anurag peshne, modified,

China has stopped sharing hydrological data for the Brahmaputra River with India, apparently in response to their ongoing standoff at the Doklam Plateau.

Backgrounder: Doklam Plateau

Himalayas, cc Flickr Himadri Karmakar, modified,

Why are Indian and Chinese troops standing off at the Doklam Plateau?

The China-India Standoff over the Doklam Plateau

A mountain highway in Leh. cc Flickr Navaneeth KN, modified,

Exploring the factors that led to the current Doklam plateau stand-off, and how these two Asian behemoths can resolve it.

India’s Karakoram Conundrum: The Great Game Lives On

Karak, cc Flickr Guilhem Vellut, modified,

Once India’s historical gateway to Central Asia and China, the Karakoram has become a lingering geopolitical flashpoint between India, China and Pakistan.

The India-China Tug of War over Bhutan

Himalaya Road at China India Border cc Flickr 4ocima

Bhutan’s historic reliance on India is being chipped away at by China, with potential consequences for the strategic balance of power in the Himalayas.

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