
Revisiting Hamas-Fatah Reconciliation

Hamas rally 2007, cc Wikicommons Hoheit (¿!), modified, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Yasin_Rantisi_Hamas_Wahlkampf.jpg

Will the Jerusalem embassy move be boon or bane to Hamas-Fatah reconciliation?

US Threatens to Cut Palestinian Authority Funding

RexMahmoud, cc Flickr US Department of State, modified, http://www.usa.gov/copyright.shtml

The Trump administration’s threats against the Palestinian Authority might impact the peace process in ways that were never intended.

Med-Dead over Two-State: A Fresh Take on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Reduction

Med-Dead Plan cc Herbert Wendt und Wieland Kelm

Of all the myths that surround the Israeli-Arab conflict, the most prominent and cherished is that the inevitable solution is a two-state framework.

Israel’s Ground Offensive in Gaza: A Case of Misplaced Objectives?

Israel Tank cc Amir Farshad Ebrahimi

Will this military offensive contribute to the final puzzle in the region - peace between Israel and Palestine, and a viable two-state solution?

End Result of Israel-Gaza War

ISRAEL-AIR FORCE-GRADUATION, cc Flickr Diariocritico de Venezuela, modfiied, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

As an increasing number of Israelis and Palestinians shift towards more militant means of achieving their respective political goals against a backdrop of coalescing hawkish groups, failed peace initiatives, and rising anti-Israeli sentiment, expect a continued growth in Mid-East violence centered on Israel.

U.S. a Dishonest Middle East Broker

Did George Bush prevail over a turning point in US history?

After years of gradually losing its standing as a neutral arbiter between the Israelis and Palestinians, the U.S. government finally and openly declared sides during the Gaza conflict.  Unless President Barack Obama delivers on his promise to chart a new course, the U.S. will lose its place as a primary Middle-East mediator.

Israel’s Growing Regional Isolation

Middle East Map, cc Flickr https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/, opendemocracy

Despite Israel and Hamas’ separate announcements of a ceasefire in Gaza, prospects for a regional peace ensuring Israeli stability and security are likely to collapse, resulting in the escalation of Islamic extremism and Israel’s increasing isolation.

Phase III of Operation Cast Lead

israelflag, cc Flickr,, Justin Laberge, modified, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Israel is about to launch Phase III of Operation Cast Lead – the capture of Gaza City.  Electoral considerations almost certainly predict that Israel will attempt to topple Hamas and re-occupy Gaza, until Hamas’ rival Fatah can re-establish control on the ground.  The Third Palestinian Intifada may be in the offing.

Israel Losing the PR War with Hamas

hebron, cc Flickr gnuckx, modified, public domain

As allegations of war crimes mount and anti-Israeli protests sweep across the globe, Israel appears to be losing its PR offensive against Hamas.  Meanwhile, a new generation of Palestinians scarred by the war will increasingly turn to militancy, resulting in perpetual conflict in the region.

Israel Invades Gaza

hamas2, cc Flickr Opendemocracy, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/, modified,

Israel has launched a ground invasion of Gaza, re-entering the tiny territory after three years.  Almost 600 Palestinians have died and over 2700 have been injured, while a reported 10 Israelis have died, including 1 soldier, and a few dozen have been injured in the 11-day war.  The United States has blocked a ceasefire attempt at the UN.

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