US Missile Defense

US THAAD Deployed to South Korea

thaadlaunch, cc Flickr U.S. Missile Defense Agency, modified,

The THAAD deployment in South Korea could be a game-changer in East Asia security, and China and Russia are not happy about it.

Backgrounder: The North Korea Threat

a US THAAD launcher, public domain, US Army -

North Korea’s recent missile test underscores the growing threat posed by the “Hermit Kingdom” to East Asian security. In responding to it, the Trump administration only has bad options to pick from.

From Reset to Ruin: Snowden and US-Russian Relations

US President Obama and Russian President Putin

What does President Obama's summit snub mean for the future of US-Russian relations?

DARPA: A Glimpse of All Tomorrow’s Weapons

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

This backgrounder lists some of the more promising R&D DARPA projects that are leading the charge in the development of new war-fighting technologies.

OPINION: Getting US Foreign Policy Right

US foreign policy and reluctance towards intervention

Political sentiment in the United States seems to be turning against the interventions and nation-building projects that have characterized US foreign policy in recent years. The revulsion at the cost and size of government, including the cost of expensive wars in the Middle East, has been amply demonstrated during the debt ceiling drama of recent weeks.

Wikileaks Fires a Salvo at US Diplomacy

WikiLeaks homepage

The latest massive disclosure of classified US State Department documents by Wikileaks will surely damage US diplomacy for years to come.

US Missile Defense

US Missile Defense, cc Flickr U.S. Missile Defense Agen, modified,

The U.S.' planned European missile defense shield, a principal feature of the Bush administration’s foreign policy, appears destined for the dustbin after Barack Obama’s recent presidential election victory.

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