US Presidential Race

Donald Trump and US Nuclear Policy in East Asia

Nuclear, cc Flickr Tnarik Innael, modified,

Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric would create a domino effect of nuclear proliferation in East Asia, but will the president now follow through?

What a Trump Presidency Means for the South China Sea

tillerson, cc Flickr William Munoz,

Comments from Trump’s nominee for secretary of state suggest a more confrontational stance in the South China Sea.

US Intelligence Report on Russian Hacking

Director Clapper, cc Flickr Medill DC,

A report from the US intelligence community on Russian hacking is dividing the US electorate along partisan lines.

China-US Relations under President Trump

cc Flickr Will Clayton, modified,

The now-infamous Taiwan phone call is a taste of things to come: US-China relations won’t be ‘business as usual’ under President Trump.

The Geopolitical Legacy of the Most Embittered US Election on Record

trump2, cc Flickr Michael Vadon, modified,

Whoever wins the US presidential race on Tuesday, the political process in the United States loses.

Will Monroe Doctrine Die with the Trump Presidency?

DTrump, cc Flickr Gage Skidmore, modified,

How will Latin America be affected by Trump’s foreign policy?

Trump, Exceptionalism, and the Russian Boogeyman in US Foreign Policy

presidenttrump, cc Flickr Gage Skidmore, modified,

How different will US foreign policy look under President Trump?

Four Empires on the Rise, Part One

lightmap, cc Flickr NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, modified,

In part one of a two-part series, Andre Ishii explores how classical geopolitics will increasingly manifest in the years to come.

Fire Sale: End the Trump Brand

donald_trump_2, cc Flickr Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America,

Trump properties will be prime terrorist targets if not divested.

Who Will Lead in a World on Fire?

kuwaitoilfires, Tech. Sgt. David McLeod, US military, public domain

Faced with spreading conflict and instability throughout the world, who will lead?

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